Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Salsa dancing and the body talking

By Jennifer Ramos

Introducing salsa, a dance of bodies in conversation.

The beauty of salsa first arrived in New York in the 1950's. From the combination of Afro beat and Latino music, salsa which is considered a jazz, rocked the world with its passionate sexy dance moves. Steps borrowed from different Latin dances such as cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba, mambo and others brought Latino flavor to the dance. Sexy hip swings, complex foot kicking and tapping exhibitions and the sensual caressing like dancing created salsa's own identity as the melting pot of Latin dances.

Salsa is a sexy flavor of hot chili and red sweet tomatoes on the dance floor. Its sensuality and sophistication entices every one to admire its way of dancing. Passion is the perfect word that defines the music and movement of this dance. It creates an undeniable pull in which people just have to dance and get into the beat. More than a dance, salsa is a lifestyle of passion and sophistication.

Salsa dancing is an expression of emotion and feelings. Every movement from each part of the body gives signals and meanings. Hip swings, foot tap, kick and head turns all creates an alluring message to the dancing partners. Its dancing is about intimate communication through action, in a heart beating rhythmic music. Moreover, intense conversation of body actions from dancing couples gives-off Latino flavor - Salsa - hot and sexy.

Learning how to dance salsa is so rewarding, watching couples spin their way around romance with its Latin beat. Aside from the experience of dancing with fiercely beautiful and sexy men and women, learning salsa is an asset for firming that body into a sexy shape. In addition, it can also serve as a creative fitness routine or work out for people needing a more active lifestyle.

Aesthetically exceptional, the dance movement of salsa which came from the Latin culture is an eye catcher. It leaves a beautiful impression on the dancers doing the dance moves. A sexy, desirable and beautiful woman can suddenly become the most beautiful woman on the dance floor. The secret is to know how to move and sway perfectly with the beat, execute perfect sexy motions and accentuate the sensual interplay between partners.

Moreover, learning salsa is not impossible. Simple foot turns and hips swings can be acquired easily through tutorial dance videos or even just dance video clips over the internet. While advance techniques such as spins, dips, and styling can be acquired with in-person lessons. Learning how to dance salsa is now easy and affordable. From DVDs to online tutorials, to classes in your city or town, it has never been easier to learn this sexy latin dance.

The most important technique in salsa dancing aside from the foot, hip and body swings and turns, is the ability to dance to the music and improvise gracefully.

However, the soul of this dancing is on how the dancers do their improvisation. Creative, free flowing, and surprising dance moves measured on a 4/4th beat is what makes salsa exceptional. Eccentricity is an asset on this ever evolving dance fashion.

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