Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When Does Wintertime Start Get Your SnowTires Ready

By Lawrence U. Olson

It amazes many who live in warmer climes that those up north regularly as a matter of course as a vehicle owner have to get their "car ready for winter". Many think its simply a matter of checking your antifreeze coolant levels in their radiators , making sure that that windshield washer antifreeze is good for 40 below zero , that their batteries hold a good charge ready to start their vehicles on the coldest January Northern Alberta night and lastly that their interior heaters work "just right". Few think of their tires when it comes to the pre-winter seasonal tune ups at their local garage or auto dealership.

Wintertime driving conditions in many parts of the country call for special tires , sometimes chains to pull in snow and ice - as well as to stop in both a short distance safely. Without question, snow tires increase traction for both pulling and stopping on both ice and snow. There are two reasons at least for this - the deep groves and the much larger tyre footprint areas. On ice and packed snow this larger "footprint" often means much more than any differences in tread design and designs. That being said winter-time tire studs, although once very popular, are now relatively uncommon among seasonal drivers, due to their destructive effects on roads and highways and are not legal in many precincts. Check with your local highway department.

One point to note and remember - winter tires , can be noisy on dry pavement - never mind the clicking sound emanating from studded tires at high traffic speeds. On the other side of the road so to speak - the nosier the tread design or designs the overall better performance on the roadway by your wintertime tires in the snow. Compromise to reduce noise also reduces tire and vehicle pulling power in loose snow and mud driving conditions. All in all it can be said by auto service and vehicle safety experts , that full-circle , welded-lug chains provide several times more pulling power than even the most highly rated , and expensive snow tires , but are of course a lot less convenient and even unsightly for automobile owners and motorists.

If you decide that you need the all out gripping and hence stopping powers of cold weather seasonal tire chains first all take the time to either order your tires early from your big box automotive store or auto factory local dealer. Shop early - way ahead of the winter season. Why - first availability . Its a case of the early bird gets the worm - or in this the reduced price and availability of winter time snow chains. When the blizzards hit you can bet that your local suppliers will be plum out of wintertide automotive products. Never mind the long waits in line or the holdups in installation on your vehicle or fleet of vehicles.

If its a simple matter of occasional tire chains for a one time trip for a skiing vacation to Calgary or for relatively light non demanding snow and icy road conditions then you might well consider the easier to set up , though offering less traction and gripping power , easier to set up and install tire chain varieties. For occasional use around the city, or one time use per through the Christmas and ice rut seasons of dead cold January , motorists and vehicle owners might well consider the advice of their trusted local garage mechanic and consider the early and prudent purchase of two or three strap-or-buckle on chains rather than full-circle type of tyre chains. Be prepared - do not wait to look around in the deep recesses of the trunk of your car - for chains when you are stuck in the snow.


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